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Michigan "owner's" operation of vehicle titled out-of-state is irrelevant where vehicle is insured by Michigan-certified carrier

Yesterday, the Court of Appeals confirmed that GEICO owed PIP benefits to Belinda Goldstein, despite the fact that Goldstein was operating a vehicle that she did not insure in Michigan.  GEICO was arguing that although Goldstein did not appear on the title, she met the statutory definition of an "owner" and therefore was obligated to arrange for Michigan No Fault coverage on the car.  The Court held that since GEICO insured the vehicle for the titled out-of-state owner, and since GEICO was a registered Michigan insurer, the vehicle was not "uninsured" under the law and Goldstein remained eligible for PIP benefits.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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Fax: 231-929-7262