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Peanut Corp plant in Texas closed after Salmonella found

Much has been written about the Peanut Corporation food processing plant in Blakely, Georgia, where unsanitary conditions lead to salmonella poisoning, eight deaths and hundreds of people poisoned.  It was also brought to light that a sister plant in Texas had been operating for years without proper registration or governmental inspection.  This week, the government did inspect the Texas plant, found "disgusting" conditions and salmonella bacteria, and closed the plant.  Former workers at the plant confirmed that it was operated in an unsafe manner, documenting, for example, severe roof leaks that allowed bird feces into the food preparation area. They described the plant as "disgusting" and authorities are now considering expanding the recall of Peanut Corporation-tainted products, already numbering over 1800.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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Fax: 231-929-7262