What "real" state Attorneys General do for their constituents
Michigan's Attorney General Cox likes to posture himself as an advocate for consumers, but other than cherry-picking a couple of "Hot-button" items, like the Chicago River asian carp, he hasn't done anything for Michigan Consumers. This week, we saw an example of what "real" attorneys general can accomplish. In Florida, distressed homeowners received checks of $6,000.00 each written by Countrywide Financial Corporation as part of a $17 million dollar class action settlement with Florida's Attorney General.
Florida's Attorney General Bill McCollum acted on the widespread claims that Countrywide engaged in deceptive and unfair trading practices which placed consumers in mortgages under terms that they could not possibly afford. McCollum collected another four million dollars to assist in foreclosure defense assistance programs. Michigan's consumers could use similar, aggressive protection, but in a state government that is paralyzed by pro-business Republicans, you can guarantee that nothing like this will ever happen.